Optimizing Your Media Mix: Tapping into New Channels and Testing Different Strategies

In digital marketing, survival and success hinge upon adaptability.

Retailers are challenged to navigate shifting consumer behaviors, an ever-increasing array of platforms and tactics, and rising media costs. For example, according to a report by Forbes, the costs for thousand impressions (CMP) increased by 89% on Facebook, 92% on TikTok, and 64% on Snapchat in 2022.

How can one effectively allocate marketing dollars? What mix of traditional and emerging online media can be harnessed to widen the sales funnel and increase return on investment?

This article seeks to explore and answer these questions. We will delve into key strategies for enhancing digital marketing outcomes and explore how retailers can build an optimal marketing mix for the current marketplace.

Measuring the Success of Your Online Media Mix

Before delving into measuring success, retailers must establish what success looks like for them. This begins with setting relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with company objectives. Historically, marketers would primarily focus on impressions, clicks, or conversions. However, the rise of omnichannel marketing requires a more comprehensive approach. Consider the following KPIs to comprehensively gauge the effectiveness of your online media mix:

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This quantifies the average expense to acquire a new customer. A rising CAC might indicate that your ad spend is inefficient.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): This predicts the total value a business gets from a customer throughout their relationship.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): This measures the gross revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.
  • Brand Awareness: This may include metrics like survey data, direct traffic, and branded search rates.

Harnessing Analytics: Quantitative and Qualitative Measures

Once relevant KPIs are established, retailers must harness both quantitative and qualitative measures. Quantitative data can provide a wealth of information about your customers' behavior, such as bounce rates, average session durations, and page views. However, solely relying on quantitative data may result in a one-sided view.

Qualitative data, such as customer feedback, reviews, and social media sentiment, adds depth to your understanding. It helps you gauge customer satisfaction and perception about your brand, products, or services.

The Power of A/B Testing

Finally, as part of your measurement strategy, integrate regular A/B testing to continuously optimize your media mix. This involves changing one variable in your marketing approach to see how it influences your KPIs. For instance, you might test different ad creatives or promotional messages on the same platform, or the same message on different platforms. By comparing the results of these "experiments," retailers can make data-driven decisions to boost marketing effectiveness.

In sum, achieving optimal digital marketing success entails seeking a balance — identifying the right KPIs, harnessing the power of analytics, and continuously optimizing through A/B testing.

Allocating Digital Marketing Spend Amid Rising Media Prices

In the face of escalating media prices, the allocation of digital marketing spend becomes a strategic imperative for retailers. It's no longer a one-size-fits-all situation; rather, meticulous planning, regular re-evaluation, and shrewd decision-making are required to ensure that every dollar spent contributes to the bottom line.

A critical approach to consider is diversifying one's marketing channels. Retailers should seek to strike a balance between traditional online media such as Google Ads and email marketing, and newer, more unconventional platforms like TikTok or Twitch. The key lies in understanding your target audience, their preferences, and where they spend their digital time. Diversity in media channels can help to mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities, enabling retailers to reach a wider audience and increase the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns.

AI and machine learning could also be game-changers. These technologies help businesses optimize their marketing spend by predicting customer behavior, personalizing marketing messages, and automating marketing tasks. Such predictive analytics can offer valuable insights into where and when to invest digital marketing dollars for maximum ROI.

Another avenue worth exploring is alternative advertising models such as cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-acquisition (CPA). Rather than paying for impressions, these models allow retailers to pay only when a specific action – such as a click, sign-up, or purchase – has been taken. This approach can help improve the efficiency of marketing spend, reduce wasted ad dollars, and better align with business outcomes.

Lastly, investing in owned media like blogs, websites, and newsletters can be an efficient way to engage customers without relying heavily on paid media. This strategy often requires more time and effort, but it offers a sustainable, long-term solution to combat rising media prices.

Capturing Zero- and First-Party Data

Zero-party data refers to information that customers willingly and proactively share with brands. This could be through surveys, preference centers, or directly on a retailer's website.

First-party data, on the other hand, is information that companies collect directly from their customers. This includes data from transactions, customer feedback, and interactions on the company's website, apps, or physical stores.

The significance of zero- and first-party data in optimizing marketing media mixes cannot be overstated. These data types offer deep, valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and purchasing habits, allowing retailers to create highly personalized and effective marketing campaigns.

While zero-party data provides explicit customer preferences, first-party data gives marketers implicit insights based on observed behaviors. The combination of both allows retailers to tailor their messaging, content, and offers to individual customers, improving customer experience, building brand loyalty, and ultimately enhancing marketing effectiveness.

Moreover, with increasing concerns about privacy and regulations like GDPR and CCPA, relying on third-party data is becoming less feasible.

Zero- and first-party data, being directly provided or collected from the customers themselves, are not only more reliable but also more compliant with these regulations. Thus, harnessing zero- and first-party data is a crucial step for retailers seeking to optimize their marketing media mixes in today's digital landscape.

Applying Different Platforms at Different Funnel Stages

Effective application of different platforms at various stages of the sales funnel is instrumental in guiding the customer journey and increasing conversion rates. This approach allows marketers to tailor messages to the customer's current stage, thereby increasing the relevance of the communication and enhancing customer experience.


At the awareness stage, marketers can employ platforms with broad reach, such as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, to introduce the brand or product to potential customers. Content at this stage should be engaging and value-driven to spark interest. This is also a suitable stage for PR efforts and influencer partnerships.


The consideration stage requires more targeted platforms that allow for deeper engagement with potential customers. Here, email marketing, Google Search Ads, and retargeting ads on social media can be used to provide more detailed information about the product or service, distinguish the brand from competitors, and build a relationship with potential customers.


At the decision stage, when customers are ready to make a purchase, platforms that facilitate direct interaction and conversion, such as Google Shopping Ads or brand websites, can play a crucial role. Using first-party data to personalize messages and offers on these platforms can significantly increase conversion rates.


Finally, at the loyalty stage, platforms that encourage direct communication with customers, such as email newsletters or dedicated community platforms, can be utilized to foster a sense of community, offer exclusive benefits, and build long-term customer loyalty.

By applying different platforms at different stages of the sales funnel, retailers can deliver the right message at the right time, thus effectively guiding customers along their purchase journey and optimizing marketing effectiveness.

Optimize Your Media Mix

In the face of escalating media costs, retailers can strategically optimize their media mix and harness the power of zero- and first-party data to create personalized, cost-effective marketing campaigns. By applying different platforms at each stage of the sales funnel, businesses can guide customers through their buying journey, ultimately improving marketing effectiveness and enhancing return on investment.

To learn more, don’t miss eTail Palm Springs, happening from February 26th to 29th at the JW Marriott Desert Springs, Palm Springs, CA.

Download the agenda and register for the event today.